News and press-releases
Full exhibitor name | Federal state budget scientific institution all - Russian scientific research institute of tobacco, makhorka and tobacco products |
Brief exhibitor name | FSBSI ARSRITTP |
Subordination of organization | Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation |
Organizing legal form | Federal state |
OKPO code | 00497549 |
INN\KPP | 2311050287\231101001 |
Legal address | 350072, Krasnodar, Moscovskaya street, 42 |
Director | Salomatin Vadim Alexandrovich, Doctor of Economical Science |
Telephone | (861) 252-08-82 |
Fax | (861) 252-08-82 | | |
Deputi director on scientific work and innovations | Gnuchikh Evgeniya Vadimovna, Doctor of Technical sciences |
Phone | (861) 257-13-32 | | |
Deputy Director | Kalashnikov Sergey Vladimirovich |
Phone | (861) 252-13-20, 8-(918)-277-52-74 |
Scientific secretary | Shuraeva Galina Petrovna, Candidate of Agricultural sciences |
Phone | (861) 252-08-82
Chief Accountant | Kalafat Galina Ivanovna |
Phone | (861) 252-14-88 | | |
Secretary of director | Filatova Natal'a Anatol'evna
Telephone\ Fax | (861) 252-08-82 |
Institute was founded on the base of Ecaterinodar laboratory of experimental tobacco-cultivation in 1914. Institute conducts fundamental and innovative scientific researches in the field of tobacco production and carries out scientific providing of tobacco branch. In the institute there are laboratories, sectors and other subdivisions.
Purpose of researches:
foundation of scientific basis of agroindustrial production of tobacco providing receipt of competitive tobacco products high quality and low toxicity.
Researches directions:
- Working out scientific basis of foundation agroindustrial and economy resources technologies of tobacco production, stabilizing indices of adequate and ecological safety providing receipt of high quality raw materials and their processing into competitive low toxicity tobacco products.
- Working out of integral, biotechnological methods and express methods of raising effectiveness of production’s processes, providing receipt competitive tobacco products with guarantee indices of quality and safety.
- Development of standardization’s system as a important factors, providing quality and safety tobacco products in accordance with requirements of federal law “Technical regulations on tobacco production”.
- Working out of agroecological monitoring’s system with the object of prognosis and prevention of extraordinary situations, providing receipt of ecologically safe tobacco production, optimum phytosanitary state and quality of agrocenosis’ components.
- Establishment of selection and genetic appropriateness of foundation new initial selective material and tobacco varieties on the basis of world genofund, satisfying contemporary requirements of quality and safety tobacco products.
- Making scientific basis for elaboration of new generation technical means and equipment on the base of contemporary principles of mechanization and automation for machine technologies, providing receipt of high quality production.
- Perfection, elaboration and forming of theoretical and methodical basis and mechanism of development market economy tobacco branch, providing and stability of production high quality and low toxicity tobacco products.
Other kinds of work:
- Certification of tobacco and tobacco products.
- Scientific-technical services: estimation of tobacco enterprises’ production by quality and savety indices.
- Scientific-technical information providing.
- Training of scientific personnel and raising the level of tobacco branch’s specialists.
- Trial and estimation of protective means of agricultural crops against harmful organisms.
In the institute function:
- Centre of testing food of agricultural production.
- Body of certification tobacco and tobacco products.
- Technical committee of standardization (TK 153).
- Centre of estimation of ecological risk of pesticides and agrochemicals.
- Centre of selection.
- Teaching and education centre.
- Scientific-technical library.
Institute carries on training of high skilled personnel, contributes to increase professional level of tobacco branch specialists, consults on questions of production high quality and safe products, it is the base of doing practice work of students and post-graduates from higher educational establishments.
Scientific subdivisions of institute:
- Laboratory of technology of production tobacco products, chief of laboratory Mirgorodskaya A.G., Candidate of technical sciences.
- Laboratory of chemistry and quality control, chief of laboratory Pisklov V.P., Candidate of technical sciences.
- Laboratory of standardization and quality, chief of laboratory Samoilenko N.P.
- Laboratory of ecological toxicology and monitoring, chief of laboratory Filip-chuk O.D., Doctor of agricultural sciences.
- Laboratory of agrotechnology, chief of laboratory Aliohin S.N., Candidate of agricultural sciences.
- Laboratory of selective and genetic resources, chief of laboratory Ivanitsky K.I., Candidate of agricultural sciences.
- Laboratory of machine- agricultural technologies, chief of laboratory Winevsky E.I., Doctor of agricultural sciences.
- Laboratory of economical researches, chief of laboratory Isaev A.P., Doctor of economical sciences.
- Test centre of food and farm products, Head of centre Pisklov V.P., Candidate of technical sciences.
- “Agrocentre” - centre of estimation of ecological risk of pesticides and agro-chemicals, Head of centre Filipchuk O.D., Doctor of agricultural sciences.